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  • What is coaching?

The International Coaching Federation (ICF) defines coaching as "partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential." 

  • Why coaching?

Coaching is a process that helps raise awareness, discover blindspots, define goals and manage needed change to ultimately increase performance and results.

My Specialty :

Expatriate / Global Leader Coaching & Change Management.

I coach high-potential individuals, recently promoted leaders in highly challenging new roles to ensure their success. As a certified executive coach, I will partner with your expatriate or global leader to optimize their role transition, cultural integration and maximize their performance.


My coaching clients will find an empathetic and authentic thinking partner to overcome their new challenges with confidence and agility so they can have a thriving experience.



I use a strengths-based 4-step methodology inspired by the Appreciative Inquiry principles.


The Discovery phase 

Connecting & getting to know you 

Defining with you your goals

Helping you clarify your strengths, values, drivers, passions, desires, needs...


The Dreaming / Visioning phase  

Where do you want to go and why? 

Evaluate all your options & help you make intentional choices


Designing the Roadmap 

Identifying opportunities and making choices.

Anticipate potential obstacles and how to overcome them.


Guiding you to Destination 

Securing a clear action plan & keeping you accountable for its execution

Securing a good support system for sustainable results

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